Resilience in healthcare and the role of leadership and teams

Publisert 12/10/2023 Oppdatert 12/10/2023

Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland, Hilda Bø Lyng and Birte Fagerdal from SHARE – Centre for Resilience in the Health Services are researchers in the comprehensive Resilience in Healthcare project. They have throughout the project studied resilience and leadership in healthcare services.  Through this work they have identified how leaders can create good working conditions for the teams they lead, the role of leaders for promoting resilience and leadership strategies for resilient performance.

Siri Wiig is the director of the SHARE - Centre for Resilience in Health Services, leads a large research project about resilience in healthcare, and her research team has recently been granted 6 million euros from the prestigious EU research program Horizon Europe for the project Support4Resilience (S4R) - Strengthening resilience and mental wellbeing through the Support4Resilience toolbox for leaders in elderly care.

Jeffrey Braithwaite is a highly acknowledged professor from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He can be said to be one of the founders of Resilience in Healthcare and his thoughts on leadership and resilience are always food for thoughts. He is an excellent lecturer, and you will for sure learn something new from him.